Publications and achievements submitted by our faculty, staff, and students.
Faculty Matthew Dean World Languages and Cultures Dr. Matthew (Mateo) Dean's latest book, Beginning Spanish Language and Culture, which was published in August of 2020, reached over 30,000 downloads worldwide last month, just two years after publication. This peer-reviewed OER textbook has consistently been the #1 most popular download on Humboldt Digital Commons.
Faculty Alison Holmes World Languages and Cultures Alison Holmes, leader of the International Studies Program, spent the summer on a Fellowship at the University of London. While in the UK, she presented papers at two conferences: the Transatlantic Studies Association and HOTCUS (Historians of the Twentieth Century United States).
Faculty Dr. Joseph Dieme World Languages and Cultures
Dr. Joseph Dieme has published his latest novel "Dans la peau d'un immigré" (In the Skin of an Immigrant). The book follows the experiences of a Muslim immigrant from Senegal in pursuit of the American Dream. From Dakar, destiny leads him to Paris; then to the African neighborhood of Little Senegal in Harlem, NY. Soon after his Senegalese wife joins him, their lives are changed by the September 11, 2001 events. To escape anti-Muslim policing and violence, he, his wife, and two undocumented African housemates leave NY and settle in a small Midwest town where they hope to find refuge.
Faculty Joseph C. Diémé World Languages and Cultures
Published new book titled: "La répudiation du tribalisme sous l'ère Barack Hussein Obama", Harmattan Editions, Paris, March 1st, 2019.
Faculty Joseph C. Diémé World Languages and Cultures
Published a chapter in a book entitled "Black French Women and the Struggle for Equality:1848-2016". Published by University of Nebraska Press, October 2018.
Faculty Russell Gaskell World Languages and Cultures
Congratulations to Club Advisor of the Year, Russell Gaskell. Russell teaches Spanish and is the Club advisor for Lambda Theta Phi. The award is given to advisors that not only advise their clubs but also mentor and help club members develop their leadership and professional skills.
In the words of club members, "Professor Gaskell has been... spectacular ever since he has been the advisor of the Lambda Theta Phi. What Russell has done is provide us with a crazy amount of support that makes us feel like he's a part of our family. ... He’s an amazing professor, a hell of an advisor, and more than being just our advisor, he is one of us."
The ideals of Lambda Theta Phi are the following: Academic Excellence; Brotherhood; Leadership; Latino Unity; Service. Lambda Theta Phi brothers perform community service, sponsor events which highlight and celebrate Latino heritage, participate in educational workshops, and enjoy many social programs. As a result of their active participation in every aspect of college life, they are developing their organizational, communication, and leadership skills, all while pursuing the coveted diploma.
Student Jonathon Salinas World Languages and Cultures
Spanish major, Jonathon Salinas, will present "Representation and Contributions of Latinas in the Gay Liberation Movement" at the UCLA Qscholars Undergraduate Research Symposium on May 18th.
As a queer person of color, Jonathon works to highlight narratives of underrepresented groups in the LGBT+ community to empower and engage his communities. Director at HSU's Queer Resource Center, activist and, community organizer, Jonathon organized Humboldt County's first ever inclusive Pride event to bring attention to the racism, ableism, misogyny, transphobia, and many other forms of exclusion that plague queer/LGBT+ spaces.
Student Kori Sabalow World Languages and Cultures
Kori Sabalow, who is studying International Studies with an emphasis in Globalization, was selected by World Languages & Cultures faculty as the 2013-2014 recipient of the Benavides-Garb Family International Travel Award, which honors a student accepted to participate in an HSU-approved study abroad program.
Student Owen Krebs World Languages and Cultures
Owen Krebs, who is studying International Studies with an emphasis in Globalization, was selected by World Languages and Cultures faculty as the 2013-2014 recipient of the Frank B. Wood Scholarship, awarded for academic excellence in language study.