Nantes, France
The Nantes Program in France is an intense 10-week summer immersion in the French language and culture. You will live in university dorms with other French students, take classes five days a week, participate in service learning activities with local organizations, and participate in various academic visits to outstanding cultural sites in France. This program meets the requirement for French & International Studies majors.
What's Included?
The Nantes Summer Program is a comprehensive, all-services included semester abroad:
- Housing in the university dorms with local French students
- Weekly in-town and overnight cultural excursions
- Classes at the Institut Francophonie with native speakers
- Twelve units of French
- Two meals a day
- Travel, housing and food during excursions
Nantes, France Informational Session

Contact Prof. Joseph Diémé,
To find out more contact the department of World Languages & Cultures
Phone: (707) 826-3226